Day 18 – Difference No.2

Mon 15th May 2017

I had to go to the next hook on my bra this morning, to make it smaller, I know they are only little things but it’s all these little things that will make the big difference and get me to my goal!!! I’m ecstatic about it 😁😁😁 makes heading into a spinning class with Shane at 10am easier!! BRING IT ON!!!

Well now that was a tough class but I managed to push through and get to the end!! Honestly though, I do have to keep telling myself to imagine what this is doing to me, working away my fat, getting me fit, 2 more weeks and hopefully I’ll need to go down another hook on my bra!!! Anything to get me through! It’s good craic on a Monday morning and it was even funnier with Shane dressed up in his ’80’s gear for 80’s Week… the music was great!!

Shane 80's
80’s Week Shane at Sprint spinning Studio!

A few ladies mentioned reading the blog to me today after class. I really appreciate and like when people talk to me about it, it was a huge decision to put myself out there so please feel free to chat to me or leave comments or questions 😊 and thank you for reading, please continue to do so 😊

I bought myself two low-calorie books, there’s some yummy recipes in them that I’m definitely going to try out. Dinner today was a beetroot & tomato salad with roast chicken. I’m so glad I started this plan coming into the summer, the choice of fresh vegetables to put into my salads make it so much easier to stick to the plan!!

Follow my weight loss journey with Sprint Spinning & Personal Training Studio on Instagram too!

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